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IEC TS 62600-103:2024 RLV

Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 103: Guidelines for the early stage development of wave energy converters - Best practices and recommended procedures for the testing of pre-prototype devices

Standard Details

IEC TS 62600-103:2024 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.

IEC TS 62600-103:2024 is concerned with the sub-prototype scale development of wave energy converters (WECs). It includes wave tank test programmes, where wave conditions are controlled so they can be scheduled, and first sea trials, where sea states occur naturally and the programmes are adjusted and flexible to accommodate the conditions. Commercial-scale prototype tests are not covered in this document.
This document addresses:
- Planning an experimental programme, including a design statement, technical drawings, facility selection, site data and other inputs as specified in Clause 5.
- Device characterisation, including the physical device model, PTO components and mooring arrangements where appropriate.
- Environment characterisation, concerning either the tank testing facility or the sea deployment site, depending on the stage of development.
- Specification of specific test goals, including power conversion performance, device motions, device loads and device survival.
This document prescribes the minimum test programmes that form the basis of a structured technology development schedule. For each testing campaign, the prerequisites, goals and minimum test plans are specified. This document serves a wide audience of wave energy stakeholders, including device developers and their technical advisors; government agencies and funding councils; test centres and certification bodies; private investors; and environmental regulators and NGOs.

General Information

Status : ACTIVE
Standard Type: Main
Document No: IEC TS 62600-103:2024 RLV
Document Year: 2024
Pages: 135
Edition: 2.0
  • Section Volume:
  • TC 114 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters
  • ICS:
  • 27.140 Hydraulic energy engineering

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IEC TS 62600-103:2024 RLV
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